
The Future is not set in Stone, and We can make our own Destiny!

power of AI

It is unlikely that you have not heard about ChatGPT.

Since early December when ChatGPT was launched, everybody has been talking about it and how it can be used in everything ranging from content creation to the next satellite launch vehicle.

Funny that if you open YouTube, you will find the face of a few people who stare at your face and tell you how ChatGPT or, AI is going to replace your jobs.

But will AI really replace your jobs?

If I am to go by any of the doomsday foretellers, AI is going to be the reason for the destruction of the human race (remember the Terminator Movie series).

So naturally the progression should start with replacing human jobs.

But then the truth is that we are way too early to even think that it would happen!

What you are seeing right now is something that we saw when computers came into our lives. Did it replace human jobs?


Because we have a tendency of adapting to the changing environment.

And so to counter the impact of computers, all of us became computer operators.

Nevertheless, AI is here to stay.

So if you want to remain relevant, we will need to become AI operators.

But there is one very important thing that you need to keep in mind when you adapt to this change. And more so, if you don’t want AI to be the reason for Doomsday.

Use AI sensibly!

The other day, I was watching this conversation on a podcast. The guest was a champion AI advocate who has developed a lot of software and programs that rely on AI.

He was talking about a simple little plugin that can easily be installed on any website.

And what does it do?

It captures visitor information like Name, Email, Phone #, etc.

How it does that is a very long explanation. But it is capable of doing that.

And the worst part?

This is without your voluntary consent that you are ready to give out your name, email or, phone number for marketing purposes.

That is dangerous.

The next thing that you all might see is being bombarded with irrelevant emails and spending hours cleaning up your inboxes.

Using AI sensibly can help you improve productivity and get more done in less time.

But irresponsible usage can be disastrous.

I use ChatGPT a lot these days in pretty much everything I do.

If you are interested in using it, here are a few suggestions that you can use it for –

  1. Research article and podcast episode topics
  2. Keyword research
  3. Write first drafts for emails, articles, and social media posts
  4. Guest research for podcast interviews
  5. Affiliate Marketing content – reviews and feedback

You can get some amazing output from ChatGPT. All you need to do is be a little creative with your prompts.

Here are the 5 basic things that you need to keep in mind if you want to write good prompts. These are from my experience with ChatGPT.

  1. Be very specific about what you want ChatGPT to do. For eg: write me a short caption for an Instagram post, that can hook the audience to drop a comment.
  2. Tell ChatGPT in clear terms what your objective is. For eg: I am looking to convert visitors to followers..
  3. Give examples if you can, especially if you are looking for a specific kind of output
  4. Give context especially if you are researching. Like in the case of framing interview questions, just drop the link to the guest’s about page from their website and then ask ChatGPT to frame questions around a specific topic.
  5. You can also use “act like..” statements. For eg: act as if you are a podcaster with 15 years of experience.

ChatGPT can be a very powerful tool. In fact, AI can be a very powerful tool but only if you use it sensibly.

While on that topic, the next year or, so is going to be too dirty on the internet. You will find every other person and company coming out with something – a product or, a service, around AI. They will promote it as if it is the next best thing on earth.

Be cautious. Don’t fall for these. Be very careful about what you are buying.

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Found on the internet

This is a new section I am adding to the newsletter. I will share interesting thoughts, quotes, information, etc. that I find online. These could be Tweets, LinkedIn posts, and just about anything.

Here’s what I found this week.

Storytelling need not be in the form of long-form content. It can be as little as 240 words like in this tweet that has such deep advice.

And this one is from LinkedIn. It reminded me of a few people I know who have upgraded themselves tremendously in the last year or, so. In fact, so much that they are on their way to being independent.

What am I reading?

This section of the newsletter will be about books. It will usually be about the books I am reading and my thoughts about them.

My hope with this section is that I will be able to inspire you to read some of these books!

Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte – I started reading this book, the last week. It was a book recommendation by Ali Abdaal. The first page itself is enough for you to decide if this book is for you or, not.

We all read and watch and acquire a lot of knowledge. And then we move on to the next thing. What we learned is easily forgotten.

I have been a victim of this. I have my own way of jotting down information so that I am able to retain at least some of what I am reading. But that isn’t enough.

So how do you retain everything that you learned?

This book shows you how.

It is a must-read.

You can check out the book here!

That’s it for this week!

About the author 


Dilip is a Podcaster, Blogger, and Affiliate Marketer. He hosts the show, "The Podcasting University" among others and is a content marketing fanatic!

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