
The Fastest Way to Double Your Income: Learn, Assimilate, Act

make money

Learning to Make Money!

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

– Jim Rohn

I am from a generation that saw rapid transformation.

At school there were no computers.

In fact, the first subject called Computer Science was introduced when I was in my final year of graduation.

So, I didn’t get an opportunity to touch a computer.

We didn’t have a computer at home. In fact, we couldn’t really afford it.

And then things changed at an extremely fast pace.

When I joined my first company as a customer support agent, I was given a computer. Ironically I did not even know how to switch it on or, shut it down.

So my training started from there.

In fact, when I started my career, I had no idea where it would lead.

I has secured good grades and was good at accounting.

But there were no accounting jobs that paid well.

And since I wasn’t particularly skilled in any other area (thanks to the low focus on building skillsets at schools), I didn’t think of myself as someone destined for success.

Yet, I kept noticing something about people who achieved great things—they never seemed to have a special “secret” or some magic sauce.

Instead, they consistently learned new skills, practiced them relentlessly, and figured out how to apply those skills to create value.

Over time, I realized that the difference between people who succeeded and those who didn’t, came down to one thing: willingness to learn.

This discovery was a game-changer for me, and it can be for you too.

This is where I changed my game.

Since then, I learnt every little skill that I could. In fact, I even learnt how to tear down a computer, assemble one and even repair them.

Something as technical as that, which I once thought I would never be able to learn took just 30 days to master.

And that taught me one big lesson.

No skill was unlearnable.

Make Money by learning – Double Your Income in 30 days!

If you could put in dedicated 30 days to learn something you can learn it.

Since then, I have learnt –

  1. Website building
  2. Copywriting
  3. Writing
  4. Email marketing
  5. Web hosting management
  6. and a lot more.

And none of these was just random learning.

I learnt every one of them with an objective

The objective of multiplying my income.

And that taught me another very important lesson!

That the most effective path to doubling your income—or achieving any significant milestone—is through learning and applying new skills.

You don’t need to be special or uniquely talented.

You just need to be willing to learn, take consistent action, and turn that knowledge into something useful.

Now, if you aren’t willing to put in 30 days to learn a skill that can double your income without putting additional pressure on you or, stressing you out, then no one can help you.

But if you are willing to put in that 30 days to learn how to make money, then here are 3 steps that I followed and I recommend.

Step 1: Learn – Be a Sponge

“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”
— B.B. King

The first step to unlocking more income or growth in your career is learning.

And I don’t mean learning in a passive, “just browsing” kind of way. I mean intentional, deliberate learning.

Look around—there’s an abundance of information available at your fingertips. Podcasts, YouTube videos, online courses, blogs, and books—everywhere you turn, there’s an opportunity to absorb new knowledge.

But here’s where most people fall short: they assume that the act of learning is enough.

In reality, learning without intention or structure will just leave you overwhelmed.

So, how do you shift your learning into something actionable?

  1. Allocate dedicated time to learn – Create a routine that includes time blocks for learning. It could be 30 minutes a day, but consistency matters more than intensity.
  2. Be curious – Seek out topics that will serve your long-term goals. What skills could directly help you increase your income, improve your expertise, or solve a problem in your industry?
  3. Absorb like a sponge – When you commit to learning, don’t skim through content. Engage with it fully—listen, read, take notes. Approach learning like it’s your ticket to the next level, because it is.

Something that I learnt very recently is LinkedIn.

A few days back, when I told one of the people on a discovery call that I spent $100 to learn how LinkedIn worked, the question I was asked was – “What? Why would you spend $100 to learn how LinkedIn worked? Isn’t it just another social media?”


It is just another social media..

But every social media has a unique content strategy.

Now, you have two choices – to spend a few months trying out things and learning it the hard way or, learning it from someone who has already done it.

The second option cuts down on about 4-5 months of time.

I would any day prefer the 2nd option.

And that is why I picked up the LinkedIn OS from Justin Welsh.

This is exactly the strategy I would recommend, if you are serious about growing.

Step 2: Assimilate – Turn Information Into Expertise

“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”
— Anton Chekhov

After you’ve absorbed a ton of new information, it’s time to make sense of it.

This is where assimilation comes in.

Assimilation is about processing and organizing what you’ve learned. It’s not enough to collect random bits of information; you need to refine it, understand it deeply, and then figure out how to use it.

Here’s a method that works:

  1. Effective note-taking – When you take notes, don’t just jot down facts. Write down how you plan to apply what you’ve learned. Personalize it to your situation.
  2. Refine your focus – After learning something new, ask yourself: how does this help me? Can this information solve a specific problem? If so, how?
  3. Take action – Knowledge doesn’t become expertise until you’ve applied it. Start using your newly acquired skills in real-world scenarios, no matter how small. Have the courage to fail, because failure is just feedback.

Assimilation transforms raw information into something practical and usable. It’s the bridge between learning and mastery.

It is here that most people struggle.

They consume all of the information, learn a ton of things and then forget everything they learnt.

One of the biggest problem is the struggle to find a particular piece of information exactly when you need it.

It is here that “Building a Second Brain” from Tiago Forte came in handy.

I was consuming a lot of information. And I desperately needed something that could organize the information I was capturing without having to spend a few hours trying to find it when I needed it.

BASB, helped me with that.

It is a very strategic and step-by-step method that helps with doing exactly this.

If you don’t want to spend a few hundred dollars and join the community, you can pick up the book and learn the exact same process.

In fact, I built out an entire system in Notion, that I use every day.

I will be making this system available for people who are interested in it. If you are one of them, just drop me an email and let me know.

Step 3: Act – Use Your Skills to Create Value

“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.”
— Arnold H. Glasow

This is where the magic happens—action.

Learning and assimilating are critical, but without action, it’s just potential energy waiting to be unleashed.

I’ve seen people get stuck here.

They know what they need to do but hold back, fearing they’re not “good enough” yet.

Here’s the truth: you’ll never feel 100% ready.

Start anyway.

Here’s how you can put your newfound skills into action:

  1. Start small – Don’t wait for the perfect project or the perfect time. Use your new skill in small, manageable ways. This could be as simple as helping a colleague with a problem, creating a side project, or starting a blog.
  2. Commit to consistency – Daily practice is key. Even if you only have 10 minutes, use that time to put your new skills to work.
  3. Solve problems – The fastest way to create value and grow your income is by solving real-world problems. Identify the problems in your industry or in your life that your new skill can address, and get to work.

Action is the only true measure of progress. Without it, your learning and knowledge remain theoretical.

The Bottom Line: Learn, Assimilate, Act

If I could boil down my 15+ years of experience into one formula for success, it’s this: Learn, Assimilate, Act.

You don’t need to be special or uniquely gifted to multiply your income or achieve your goals.

What you need is a hunger to learn, the discipline to process what you’ve learned, and the courage to act—even when you don’t feel ready.

The only thing standing between you and the next level is your willingness to step out of your comfort zone and get started.

So, what’s the next skill you’re going to learn?

Because everything you need to succeed is out there, waiting for you to absorb it.

PS: What’s one new skill you’ve learned this year? Let me know—I’d love to hear about it.

Recommended Newsletters

Here are few newsletters that I would recommend that you sign up to if you are interested in learning the art of running a side-hustle:

Sign up to these and follow them. You will get a lot of information and content for your blog posts, podcasts and even social media posts.

I will share more such ideas in my future newsletters.

I put in about 18 hours every month to create this newsletter, starting from researching to writing and editing it.

So, If you enjoyed reading this Newsletter, I would sincerely appreciate it if you could recommend it to others. You can send them to https://theloudspeakeronline.com to subscribe to it for FREE!

What am I reading?

I absolutely love books and I read a lot.

In fact, I don’t just read a lot, but I also take notes on every book that I read.

I have pages and pages on information in my Notion Second Brain, so that I can find them and use them when ever I need.

Want to know more about the books I read. You can check it out here!

Whenever you are ready, here’s how I can help!

If you are liking my articles and other content pieces that I am publishing and are looking for any additional step, then here are 2 ways I can help:

Consultation calls:

You can book a consultation call on any of the following topics:

  • Podcasting strategy and getting started with a podcast
  • Content creation a a business and getting started
  • Podcast Monetization

You can book a consultation call here!

Join my Community:

I am building a community of individuals who want to break free from the stereotypes and build a thriving business using content.

This community will be a good medium to get support while supporting others.

If you are interested, just reply to this email and I will send you the details to join.

That’s it for this week!

Do let me know your thoughts, feedback, and opinions about this newsletter.

If you have a question or, simply enjoy reading this, I would sincerely appreciate it if you could write a recommendation for me on LinkedIn. You can use this link to do that.

If you are comfortable writing a review for the newsletter, you can do that here. Your support would be sincerely appreciated.

About the author 


Dilip is a Podcaster, Blogger, and Affiliate Marketer. He hosts the show, "The Podcasting University" among others and is a content marketing fanatic!

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