Loving the Process of Content Creation – A Creator’s Guide!

loving the process of content creation

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Loving the process of content creation!

“There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Let me ask you something:

How many times have you started something new – content creation, a side hustle, a hobby – with one goal in mind: to make money?

Be honest.

It’s not your fault.

Society teaches us that the value of our efforts lies in the paycheck.

Why did you pick something to study for your degree?

It could be because of two reasons:

  1. Someone told you that becoming an engineer or, a doctor helps you make a lot of money and you are all set for life
  2. You saw someone in your family doing extremely well, making a lot of money and live a high standard

It is very unlikely that there could be a third reason that says, “I love becoming an engineer”, or, “I love serving people, so I became a doctor”..

Because that you how you are taught to look at picking a career.

It is the “Money” aspect always…

But there is a big trap in that outlook. Something that we don’t realize until it is too late.

“When money becomes the sole focus, you overlook the joy in the work.”

Every idea becomes a calculation.

Every career plan becomes an obligation.

Every piece of content feels like a transaction.

And when the results don’t show up fast enough, frustration sets in.

This is why so many creators quit.

The process feels empty.

But what if there’s another way?

What if you stopped chasing the money and instead focused on creating something you genuinely love?

That’s the key to breaking free from the grind.

It is easier said than done. Isn’t it?

Because at the end of the day, if what you do doesn’t put food on your plate, then the frustration at the end of the day will be just as much!

Yes. I agree!

But I assure you that, there are still a lot of ways you can find love in what you are doing.

Loving the Process of Content Creation and the Grind!

It’s 7 PM.

You’re staring at a blank screen, the deadline for your next piece of content looming over you like a thundercloud.

The pressure is mounting. The ideas aren’t flowing.

And that nagging voice in your head whispers: Is this even worth it?

Experienced it?

We all do.

Content creation is made to look like the simplest way to a luxury lifestyle – make random content and make a lot of money.

But the truth is something else.

Content creation is a grind – a relentless one.

  • It’s frustrating.
  • It’s demanding.
  • It’s overwhelming.

Not everybody can survive it.

The statistics prove it: 90% of creators quit within six months.

But there’s those 10% who survive and do well.

..and there’s those 5% who do extremely well.

You don’t necessarily have to be part of that 90%.

Let me show you how to turn the grind into joy—and make success inevitable.

There is a caveat to this – I will be looking at content creation as a means of making money, not as a hobby. If you doing it for hobby then none of the things that we discuss here is relevant for you!

Start With a Shift in Perspective

“There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Let us take a quick look at the conventional method of career – in other words, earning.

You spend roughly about 15-17 years learning – acquiring the knowledge and the skills required to land a so-called comfortable corporate job, which then pays you a fixed monthly salary until you work.

Proven system!

Then, one fine day you realize that it is not for you.

Everybody is making money creating content.

So, you too jump into it.

The end goal is the same – money, fame.

But then when you compare the new journey (content creation as a source of income) to the old journey (conventional career as a source of income), there is one small difference.

A difference that actually isn’t small, but you safely ignore it as small – the 17 years you spent in learning Vs the ZERO learning time expectation.

In those 17 years that you spent learning, you never made a single dollar. Instead you spent money on learning.

But when it comes to taking up content creation as a source of income, you don’t want to spend time learning or, spend money to learn.

The expectation is “instant success”.. “instant money”.

It is here that the perspective needs to change.

The duration of learning might not be as long and the investment too won’t be that high.

But there is a learning curve and there will be some investment too.

The initial period when you are learning the art?

That’s a period when there will be nothing to show as success – no money, no growth.

So how do you survive that phase?

By finding joy in the process.

Write because you love the craft.

Share because you believe your ideas matter.

Create because it’s exciting to see what you’re capable of.

When you enjoy the process, it stops feeling like work.

And when it doesn’t feel like work, you keep showing up.

Build Systems That Keep You Consistent

“Motivation gets you started. Habit keeps you going.” – Jim Ryun

“Enjoy the process”, is easier said that done.

And more so, when you are in it because you are using content creation as a source of income.

How on earth are you going to enjoy a process that is not making you “money”, when that is what it is supposed to do?

I get it and I agree that it is difficult.

But just like you would have convinced yourself to enjoy that toxic 9-5, you will have to find ways of enjoying this.

And that is what I will help you with in this letter.

The first of it – building systems, so that you can free up your time and the process doesn’t feel overwhelming and monotonous.

One caution here – don’t rely on motivation alone.

Because motivation is fleeting, but systems are your safety net.

Here’s how to design a workflow that prevents burnout:

1. Time-Block Your Day

→ Dedicate specific hours for idea generation, writing, editing, and publishing.
→ Use tools like Google Calendar or Notion to map out your schedule.
→ Honor your time blocks like appointments with your future self.

Something that I recommend is a rotation plan for your dedicated work hours. This helps break monotony and gives your schedule a freshness. I have tried it and found it to be very effective.

2. Batch Your Content Creation

→ Spend one day generating ideas for the week.
→ Write multiple drafts in one sitting when inspiration strikes.
→ Schedule posts ahead of time to free up your daily bandwidth.

3. Build a Content Library

→ Repurpose your best-performing content into different formats—tweets, blogs, videos, newsletters.
→ Keep a running list of ideas in an “Evergreen Bank” so you never run out of material.

Repurposing is the single biggest technique to stay alive in content creation.

When you enter the arena of content creation, remember that you are going to have to create content for the next part of your life.

And that could mean creating content for the next 10, 15, or, maybe 20 years.

So how you do create that huge amount of content. The answer – repurposing!

Repurpose your content.

These are all tips that would have been spoken about a hundred times and they are pretty simple.

But therein lies the problem too.

Just because it is simple, we tend to ignore them.

But don’t underestimate their effectiveness.

And remember, consistency doesn’t have to mean working 24/7. It means working smarter, not harder.

Simplify to Amplify

“Complexity is the enemy of execution.” – Tony Robbins

Something that I have realized in all these years of creating content is, “the more complicated your process, the easier it is to procrastinate.”

Make the process of content creation as simple as possible.

Remove whatever friction you see, to getting on with the process. That in itself can be a huge contributor to enjoying the process and being consistent with it.

In one sentence – Keep it simple.

1. Use a Template for Everything

→ Create templates for social media posts, email newsletters, and content outlines.
→ This saves hours of rethinking and rewriting.

If you have been reading my newsletter for the last few months, you would have realized that every one of these editions follow a particular template.

I have developed about 4 different templates and I use it to write these newsletters.

2. Choose One Platform to Master

→ Instead of being everywhere, focus on one platform where your audience thrives.
→ Master it before expanding.

The idea is to reduce the overwhelm arising out of having to generate different formats of content and the multiple pieces of content.

Once you have systems in place, you can choose to get into more platforms. But until then, focus on one platform.

3. Automate What You Can

→ Use tools like Buffer, Hootsuite or, Typefully to schedule posts.
→ Set up auto-responses for emails during high-volume periods.

Streamlining your process isn’t laziness—it’s efficiency.

Find the Fun in the Grind

“Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier

We creators have a lot that we can learn from kids.

And I really mean it!

Consistency, Persistence, helping others and what not..

And the biggest reason I bring this topic?

The way kids make anything enjoyable.

Just watch them. They can pick anything and make a game out of it and have fun with it.

I remember traveling to my wife’s native village.

My 7 year old daughter and her cousin has no toys to play with.

They found two twigs and a few stones.

They made a game out of it and played with it for hours.

Now ask yourself, what would make content creation fun for you?

Gamify the process. Reward yourself for hitting milestones. I like rewarding myself with an hour of binge watching my favorite series or, a favorite food of mine..
Collaborate. Join creator communities to exchange ideas and share the load. Healthy discussions keep things interesting. So join communities and engage in discussions.
Experiment. Try new formats, topics, or tools to keep it fresh. But be cautious or, else you might just drift away from one interest to another..

When you bring curiosity and playfulness to your work, you rediscover why you started in the first place.

The Bottom Line

The grind doesn’t have to break you.

Some of these simple tips will help make content creation becomes less of a burden—and more of a joy.

And when you find joy in the process, success becomes inevitable.

Now it’s your turn.

What’s one way you’ll bring more joy to your content creation this week?

I’d love to hear about it.

Just hit reply and share your thoughts.

Here’s to showing up, loving the grind, and making it happen.

Recommended Newsletters

Here are few newsletters that I would recommend that you sign up to if you are interested in learning the art of running a side-hustle:

Sign up to these and follow them. You will get a lot of information and content for your blog posts, podcasts and even social media posts.

I will share more such ideas in my future newsletters.

I put in about 18 hours every month to create this newsletter, starting from researching to writing and editing it.

So, If you enjoyed reading this Newsletter, I would sincerely appreciate it if you could recommend it to others. You can send them to https://theloudspeakeronline.com to subscribe to it for FREE!

What am I reading?

I absolutely love books and I read a lot.

In fact, I don’t just read a lot, but I also take notes on every book that I read.

I have pages and pages on information in my Notion Second Brain, so that I can find them and use them when ever I need.

Want to know more about the books I read. You can check it out here!

Whenever you are ready, here’s how I can help!

If you are liking my articles and other content pieces that I am publishing and are looking for any additional step, then here are 2 ways I can help:

Consultation calls:

You can book a consultation call on any of the following topics:

  • Podcasting strategy and getting started with a podcast!
  • Content creation as a business and getting started!
  • Podcast Monetization!
  • Starting a side hustle!

You can book a consultation call here!

Join my Community:

I am building a community of individuals who want to break free from the stereotypes and build a thriving business using content.

This community will be a good medium to get support while supporting others.

If you are interested, just reply to this email and I will send you the details to join.

That’s it for this week!

Do let me know your thoughts, feedback, and opinions about this newsletter.

If you have a question or, simply enjoy reading this, I would sincerely appreciate it if you could write a recommendation for me on LinkedIn. You can use this link to do that.

If you are comfortable writing a review for the newsletter, you can do that here. Your support would be sincerely appreciated.

About the author 


Dilip is a Podcaster, Blogger, and Affiliate Marketer. He hosts the show, "The Podcasting University" among others and is a content marketing fanatic!

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